Saturday, January 29

Product Photography

I've been spending some time lately cleaning my computer and making sure everything is backed up. I came across my Product folder and realized that I never showed these images. I'm happy with some, not so happy with others. But it was fun getting more familiar with the studio and lights. These are some of my favorite images from each of the shoots we were assigned.

This first picture with the apple was so fun to shoot! I basically set up a pool under the apple and splashed water up to create the droplets. The water isn't as clear as I would like but thats because the strobes I was using just didn't fire fast enough to stop the motion of the water. I did some research and it would have worked if I would have used external flash units instead of strobes. Maybe next time. :)

The watch shoot was cool too. Most of the watch product photography that I found prior to this shoot was very masculine so I decided I wanted to show a softer, more feminine side. I liked how it turned out.

We had the opportunity to shoot for the coffee shop on campus - McConn. My assignment was to shoot this entire tea series. Aren't the tins so pretty? And the fruit was yummy too.
And these are my favorite boots. :) I love extra credit shoots where you can do whatever you want!