Sunday, March 7


So, apparently I'm going to have to really work to post on this blog more than once a month.... I just forget about it and its the last thing I remember to do. I'll work on it. :)

For spring break this year, I was able to go visit my sister and her husband in Arizona. It was a blast! This post will barely even touch on the extent of the trip but I wanted to show off their adorable new puppy. His name is Zeus and he is a Mastiff puppy. He is only 12 weeks old but check out the paws on this kid! He's going to be huge. His top favorite things would include: sleeping, snoring, chewing toys, more sleeping (which always includes snoring), and just lots of playing. Oh and he has just recently found his bark. Fun. :) Anyway, here are a few pictures of this puppy that will not be puppy-size much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly, don't forget about this blog. I'm rooting for 2 this month. haha! Nice pics by the way.
