Wednesday, November 24

The Goldsteins

2 years old and SO MUCH ENERGY! Isaac can run. And run and run and run. And his parents? They're. Awesome. It has been such a joy knowing this family and seeing how God has blessed them and how they have blessed the people around them, including me. And it was such a joy photographing them today! I'll be honest, it was cold, there was a huge threat of sleet, and the wind was strong, but I think its safe to say that we had fun. And I could not be happier with the results. 

I feel like this is the first time that I was able to produce the kinds of images that I saw in my head and the kinds of pictures that I want to be taking. I have SO much more to learn. But I am really excited about this. I want to be able to take pictures that capture exactly who a family is. A family being totally natural with each other and realistically perfect. Because the fact is, no one is perfect. We aren't going to be smiley and happy giddy all the time. So sometimes, the little boy might start crying. Or have snot running down his face. Or fall down and scrape his hands. And thats okay. Because "perfect" can include those things. It can be a totally natural environment where the kid can just run. And maybe fall down. I hope you get a sense of that here. I hope that you can see the love that James and Beth have for one another as well as how much they love and cherish their smart, mischievous, energetic, little rascal of a boy. 

Thanks, Beth and James, for letting us play today! I hope you enjoy the pictures. :)